Thursday 21 February 2019


With all respect, yes, there is a problem here.

If you belong to the social class which never have heard a burp in your house, school or at work, good for you, this message is not for you.

For all the other ones I hope to find people with the same believe:

Burping can be controlled. Maybe not the gas coming out of from your stomach, but the sound, the air flowing freely through your mouth: yes!

This requires physical training, requires repetition in social situations, requires parents demanding physiological control on the table and in social situations in general.
It is not enough with excusing yourself!!!!
Do something!
         1) Stop the air from reaching out directly:
Don’t open your mouth. Force your throat to release the air in your closed mouth first. If you practice daily soon you will be finding yourself containing the air in your closed mouth and then releasing it slowly through your nose; every time less noticeable. In the master level you will release the air together with your normal exhalation as quiet as possible.
     2)   Change your diet:
It is understood that Trash food, fast food, have influenced Philippines; but if you would like to give yourself a favor in a long term run, think about what you are eating on a daily basis.
Here is what happens: you don’t mind about your diet because you assume that your relatives will take care of you when you get old and sick instead of taking responsibility for your health. Avoid Sodas, hard candy, chewing gum, period.

Finally I would like to mention something about the people I hear burping: this simple practice is a metaphor of your capability of self-control and therefore it determines towards which social class you are closing your own doors. You don’t have the fault for the circumstances and social conditions under which you were born and raised; but you can start changing your practices, and this is a perfect starting point. Apply the same principle in your life and you will see how your life will change for good:

Don’t excuse yourself anymore, act, intervene, yes, you can, you will be surprised by the things you can achieve once you assume the control over your life. A burp is not God speaking through you!

Luis Mc – Soul Feedback

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